When you make a claim with your insurance carrier, you deserve to have your claim properly and promptly addressed. Colorado’s insurance laws exist to protect you – the insured – from unfair treatment. However, insurance laws are complex and constantly changing, requiring a deep understanding of how insurance companies function within that legal framework. For example, it is extremely important to know that insurance policies require that you cooperate with your carrier and provide it with information it is requesting. Confronting insurance carriers alone can be extremely difficult, and it is understandably frustrating to receive denial letters after you have paid premiums to the company month after month (and for some, over the course of many years). Whether it’s your claim for property damage or because you were involved in an accident, your insurance company is supposed to treat your claim fairly.
Pribila and Fields, P.C. has successfully handled thousands of personal injury cases and tried scores of cases where an insurance carrier refused to pay fair compensation for injuries, losses or damages.
18 E. Monument Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Phone: (719) 888-3720
Fax: (719) 473-2542